Wednesday 4 March 2015

International Links!

A quick reminder that we are still keen to celebrate the many International links that have been developing since the visit from our paired school in Colombia last year! Please visit the Colombia page on the Rise Park website to read a joint Rise Park / Colombia blog, learn about the new vegetable garden being set up at Manuel Mejia Vallejo and much, much more!

PE Kit - Reminder!

As previously mentioned, Year 3 PE lessons for this half term are on a Tuesday and Thursday. For both sessions we will be outside whenever the weather allows. As such, your child must have a suitable outdoor PE kit in school all week so that they do not forget it on these days!

Your child's PE kit must contain:
  • shorts [indoor]
  • t-shirt [indoor]
  • plimsols [indoor]
For outdoor sessions:
  • tracksuit / jogging bottoms [outdoor]
  • sweatshirt [outdoor]
  • trainers [outdoor]
Unfortunately, a large number of children this term have been without the correct PE kit, and this has made lessons very difficult. Please ensure that all children have the correct kit, in a size which fits them and is clearly labelled with their full name. Also remember that any jewellery worn by children must be removed prior to the start of these PE sessions.

Thank you for your help and support in this matter.

Enterprise Week - Market Researchers

We ended last half term with a school-wide Enterprise Week where we learnt about many different jobs. In Year 3 we worked as Market Researchers, focusing on the healthy snacks eaten by children at school during break and lunch times. We identified cereal bars as being a snack that needed a "face-lift"; children were being given them by parents but did not enjoy eating them!

The children worked in groups to design a new cereal bar, deciding on the ingredients that they would put in their bar and the wrapper that it would be packaged in. They collected data from one another, voted on favourite flavours and planned each stage of the design process. They worked together in groups to make the cereal bar mixture, and packaged this themselves, using their own marketing ideas.

We looked together at how mascots are used to promote and sell, and the children designed their own mascots to advertise the cereal bars that they had produced. On the Friday of Enterprise Week, the groups used the school iPads to film a TV advert to help promote their new brand, working from scripts that they had written together earlier in the week.

Here are some photos of the finished cereal bars. All of the staff were really impressed by the children's hard work, and their ability to work together as a team. Well done Year 3!


Spring Term Continues!

Welcome back to Rise Park for the second half of the Spring Term! Although we are only at school for a little over five weeks, there are an awful lot of events and activities packed in to this half term.

We will be celebrating our love of reading and meeting a real-life author of children's books during World Book Day; painting faces, dodging dodgeballs and raising money for Comic Relief on Red Nose Day and preparing Easter Egg competition entries for our annual - and near world-famous - Rise Park Primary School Easter Competition! We are also very fortunate to be working with Commando Joe each Thursday this half term - as such, children must have their PE kits with them on a Tuesday and Thursday this half term.

As you can see, the children will have a lot of great opportunities this half term, and we hope that they will engage with them and take part to the best of their ability.