Wednesday 12 November 2014

Welcome back and we hope that you had a nice half term. We would like to take this opportunity to share with you some of the things year 3 are doing this half term.

We are continuing with our Roman topic work and we would like to thank you for all your support with your children's homework project. It was wonderful to see the projects that they have created and it is very clear that the children have worked extremely hard on them. As result of this we have decided to display them in our quiet area for other children around school to come and see. Here are some examples for you to see.

This term we have discussed with the children the importance of keeping safe in and outside of school. The children had the opportunity to complete a questionnaire to enable them to voice their opinions. Some of the things which the children said made them feel safe are
  • Adults in school to talk
  • Being familiar with the rules of e-safety in the ICT suite
  • Classroom rules
For more details about the children's responses please see the attachment on the year 3 web page.

Also this term year 3 have been getting creative in craft club which is an after school club run by Mrs Fay. See below some of the exciting things that 3MS made before half term.

We have a fun filled and busy half term to follow with the Christmas period fast approaching. We would appreciate your support in helping your child to learn the words to our Christmas songs which will be sent home shortly.

In the meantime the children will be working on their D&T projects to design and create a Roman photo frame. As the project unfolds we will be able to post some photos of the children's work.

Finally your child will soon be bringing home a letter to advise you of our new reading initiative 'the reading race track'. Again we would appreciate your support with this as we believe it will strongly benefit your child's reading and writing development.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Welcome back!

Welcome back to the Autumn Term.

We hope that you have had a wonderful summer break and are ready for the exciting term ahead!

Your child's Year 3 teachers are Miss Scholten and Mrs Birkett (who will be covering for Mr Shadbolt for the foreseeable future). Working alongside these will be Mrs Fay and Miss Paling.

Our focus topic is the Romans and much of our work will based around this theme.

Please take time to read through the Year 3 newsletter which your child will bring home soon. This will tell you a little more about this term.

The children have settled into year 3 well and are learning new routines.

Look out for updates about your child's class on this blog!!

Friday 25 April 2014

Year 3's Super Summer Term

Welcome Back!

All of the year 3 team hope you have had a lovely break and didn't eat too much chocolate, it sounds like the children had a eggs-ellent easter!

 This term we are going to be learning all about the Second World War with particular focus on what it would have been like growing up during the war.
We are lucky enough to be going on a trip to Brackenhurst, where the children will be able to experience what it would have been like. It should be a really interesting and exciting day!
We are also going to be learning all about Plants and thinking about their lifecycle and how different plants can survive in different climates. This will also link into their Spanish work where they will be thinking about the Spanish names for the parts of a plant and how they grow.

 Our Summer homework project is very exciting this term as it will be linked to our international links with schools in Columbia and Lebanon!
The children have been set the challenge of creating a homework project that links to an aspect of their life in Nottingham. These can be in collage, picture or written form and should include descriptions of what they like to do in Nottingham. A selection of the work from each year group will then be taken over to Columbia when some members of staff visit later this year!

 Thank you for your support and we look forward to working with you over the course of  the summer term!

Yours in Partnership
The Year 3 Team

Saturday 18 January 2014

Welcome to 2014!

Welcome Back and Happy New Year!

All of the year 3 team hope you have had a lovely break and enjoyed spending time with your families over the festive period.

We would like to welcome the return of Miss Brady after having her baby and we are very excited about having her as part of the year 3 team.

This term we are going to be learning all about The Caribbean through the story of 'Gregory Cool' by Caroline Binch.

We will also be diving into the world of Animal including Humans as we learn all about what our bodies need to survive and the importance of a balanced diet.

Our Spring Homework project this term is for the children to investigate a Caribbean country of their choice, details of which have been sent home.

Thank you for your support during 2013 and we look forward to working with you over the course of 2014!

Yours in Partnership
The Year 3 Team