Wednesday 12 November 2014

Welcome back and we hope that you had a nice half term. We would like to take this opportunity to share with you some of the things year 3 are doing this half term.

We are continuing with our Roman topic work and we would like to thank you for all your support with your children's homework project. It was wonderful to see the projects that they have created and it is very clear that the children have worked extremely hard on them. As result of this we have decided to display them in our quiet area for other children around school to come and see. Here are some examples for you to see.

This term we have discussed with the children the importance of keeping safe in and outside of school. The children had the opportunity to complete a questionnaire to enable them to voice their opinions. Some of the things which the children said made them feel safe are
  • Adults in school to talk
  • Being familiar with the rules of e-safety in the ICT suite
  • Classroom rules
For more details about the children's responses please see the attachment on the year 3 web page.

Also this term year 3 have been getting creative in craft club which is an after school club run by Mrs Fay. See below some of the exciting things that 3MS made before half term.

We have a fun filled and busy half term to follow with the Christmas period fast approaching. We would appreciate your support in helping your child to learn the words to our Christmas songs which will be sent home shortly.

In the meantime the children will be working on their D&T projects to design and create a Roman photo frame. As the project unfolds we will be able to post some photos of the children's work.

Finally your child will soon be bringing home a letter to advise you of our new reading initiative 'the reading race track'. Again we would appreciate your support with this as we believe it will strongly benefit your child's reading and writing development.