Friday 25 April 2014

Year 3's Super Summer Term

Welcome Back!

All of the year 3 team hope you have had a lovely break and didn't eat too much chocolate, it sounds like the children had a eggs-ellent easter!

 This term we are going to be learning all about the Second World War with particular focus on what it would have been like growing up during the war.
We are lucky enough to be going on a trip to Brackenhurst, where the children will be able to experience what it would have been like. It should be a really interesting and exciting day!
We are also going to be learning all about Plants and thinking about their lifecycle and how different plants can survive in different climates. This will also link into their Spanish work where they will be thinking about the Spanish names for the parts of a plant and how they grow.

 Our Summer homework project is very exciting this term as it will be linked to our international links with schools in Columbia and Lebanon!
The children have been set the challenge of creating a homework project that links to an aspect of their life in Nottingham. These can be in collage, picture or written form and should include descriptions of what they like to do in Nottingham. A selection of the work from each year group will then be taken over to Columbia when some members of staff visit later this year!

 Thank you for your support and we look forward to working with you over the course of  the summer term!

Yours in Partnership
The Year 3 Team